Caught in a downpour!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

"The Jungle is a Special place"

March 29, 2010 - Hello Family:
Just so you know, the computer 1 am writing on....the letter “i” and “k” and the comma don’t work so i have to use the alt key and the number pad. But other than that i am wr1t1ng you. 1t’s eas1er to use the number 1 to wr1te the “i” so just know that “1” 1s the letter “i” today. 1 really hate Computers… Anyway…
Mom 1 hope you had a great B1rthday and that you were able to relax a l1ttle b1t from school and work on the home. 1 want you to know that we celebrated your B1rthday down here. The lady who l1ves 1n our house and that takes care of us heard me record1ng “Happy B1rthday” when 1 sang 1t and recorded 1t on my tape recorder. 1n the n1ghtt1me she supr1sed me by throw1ng a surpr1se B1rthday Party for you… We ate Pucallpan p1zza and a huge chocolate cake w1th Coca-Cola. 1 felt so loved and spec1al. Mom 1 love you so much and hope that your B1rthday was wonderful. 1 th1nk you have also rece1ved the best B1rthday present ever… THE MOVE!!! 1t’s Mov1ng Week!!! How exc1t1ng!!! 1 am so exc1ted!!! 1 am go1ng to be so happy when you guys are all settled down and relaxed 1n the new house. 1 can’t wa1t to set foot 1n the new home… What a day 1t w1ll be… We m1ght end up mov1ng at the same t1me… Next Monday 1 f1nd out Changes. 1 w1ll f1nd out 1f 1 am stay1ng or go1ng. Th1s Change passed by so fast. Only 5 Changes left… Can you bel1eve that 1 now have 17 Months!!! Wahoo!!! And General Conference 1s th1s Week. 1 am so exc1ted. General Conference Number 3!!! Oh by the way Happy Easter th1s weekend. Don’t forget to send me down some of those eggs full of candy. :) 1f you want to send down some good-flavored Dor1tos 1 would be f1ne w1th that as well… :)
Can you bel1eve how fast March flew by?... 1t flew by. We ended the month w1th 11 Bapt1sms. Eleven Bapt1sms… We d1dn’t break our Record but we feel very happy for the success that we had. The jungle 1s a spec1al place. 1 love be1ng here 1n the Jungle… 1 can’t wa1t for you guys to come here w1th me and meet all of my fr1ends…actually all of my fam1ly. 1 love the people and 1 love the culture. 1 now honestly feel at home here…
1t ra1ned really hard th1s week. We were totally not expect1ng 1t and we got soak1ng wet. 1 actually fell down because the water got so h1gh that 1 couldn’t see the ground beneath me. 1t was totally embarrass1ng. We got back to the house to eat lunch and we got changed as well… 1t was way fun to get caught 1n a huge rainstorm. I don’t know what happened, but now the letters “i” and “k” and the comma are working. I really don’t like computers…
I have been having a couple troubles with my companion, but what can I do? Next week are the Changes and we’ll see what happens. I am just being patient and putting up with it. I have cried many times not having anyone to go to. (Where’s Mom and Dad?) But really I am doing okay… Just pray for me always and never forget about your little Coco… :)
Dallis is starting to drive?!?!? How crazy!!! That is so cool. I am sure that he will be a great driver because he takes after his oldest brother… :) I can’t wait to drive a car again. It’s now been 17 months since I haven’t driven, and I found out yesterday as well that I have forgotten the last steps of the Rubix Cube because I couldn’t do it yesterday at the Stake President’s house during lunch. (By the way, we eat lunch every Sunday with the Stake President. How cool is that?)
I love you so much family. Take care this week and have tons of fun moving… I am so excited… :) I love my eternal family. Never forget about me and always pray for me. I love you so much. I’ll let you know about Changes next week… I love you!!!
Love you Forever, Coco

1 comment:

Gwen said...

He sounds so good ! He is a wonderful son and missionary. I'm glad you are getting moved into the house I know that can be hectic. Take care